Email is best bet for customer service issues with online gambling

Email is best bet for customer service issues with online gambling

Playing online slots can be a fun, rewarding experience, especially if you win. However, sometimes something may go wrong and you'll find you need to get in touch with the game provider to rectify the situation. Whether your internet connection was lost or the site experienced a glitch that caused your bid to be messed up, you will likely want to make sure the incident doesn't negatively impact your game, especially if stakes are high.

If you were gambling in a land-based casino and the slot machine went haywire, you could easily snag an attendant and get to the bottom of the problem. However, this task may be slightly more drawn out when you play slots online. Some online gaming sites may provide their customers with a phone number to call when a customer service issue arises, but shooting off an email could be the better option.

Roy Harpak, a representative of online gaming provider 888, recently explained to why an email is more convenient than talking to someone in person. With email, you will have documentation of your inquiry or complaint, as well as the date it happened, which Harpak indicates makes it easier for customer service representatives to access your information and offer better support.

Published on 16 February 2012